Happy new year!

song of the day: Smile Bomb by Mawatari Matsuko
color of the day: 縹 (hanada); #006284
flower of the day: snow drop | スノードロップ

Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash

Hello! How are you? (〇*>∀<)ゞ★☆

Happy new year! I can't believe that we've passed the previous year. Many things happened to all of us, be it interesting or not. In my case, most of the things that happened to me are rather... well, interesting. |・ω・)

Anyway, my 5th semester is officially over! I'm rather surprised that I could finish everything on time, wow... It's pretty insane that I finished about 2,5 years of university, lol.

Well, I won't write a lot on this post, I'm just glad that fifth semester is done, lol.

That's it for now. Take care and see ya! ★⌒(●ゝω・)b

Teeny, tiny excitements

song of the day: Life on Mars? by David Bowie 
color of the day:
桜鼠 (sakuranezumi); #ac8181
flower of the day: 
gladiolus | グラジオラス

Photo by Earl Wilcox on Unsplash


Ahem. Hello! How are you? ヾ(☆'∀'☆) I hope you're all well today. I actually wanted to write this yesterday, but alas, I had some things to do yesterday and went to sleep earlier than usual...

So anyways, my finals are finally over! After the written tests, there are two more tests. Japanese to Bahasa Indonesia interpreting test and Japanese business interview test. And there's one paper I had to finish, which is the Japanese literature studies. The last two weeks were hectic... but I managed to stay alive, yay! (*≧∀≦*)

Oh, yeah. Last Thursday I went to a comic publisher as my final class for the Translation and Interpreting class. One of my childhood wish is to actually work at a comic publisher as an editor, so I was so excited. Who knows the life of a comic book editor was so hard... but I'm genuinely interested to work as one!

Right, anyways... so there's this new program in my country for internships. I've applied to several companies. I hope I pass on at least one of them... that's my wish. I really want an experience, see. The companies I've applied to are really well known, so I'm genuinely hoping that they'll accept my applications and hopefully I'll pass their tests and interviews! ฅ’ω’ฅ

The journey ahead is still long, and I need to do my best. Please do your best as well! ۹(ÒہÓ)۶

That's it for now. See you on the next post! ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

Going to a con!

song of the day: Caramelldansen by Caramella Girls (original by Caramell)
color of the day: 藤紫 (fujimurasaki); #875f9a
flower of the day:  lilac | ムラサキハシドイ

Photo by Esteban Castle on Unsplash

Hi everyone! How are you? ヾ(☆▽☆)

My back pain is acting up, my neck feels hurt, and my head feels like it's going to explode as I'm writing this part. lol

But anyways, I went to a con with friends after SOOO many years not going to one... as a guest, because this August I became a staff on an anime con on my university. It was sooo fun! But it was so crowded as well. I saw so many cosplayers... oogh... feels like I'm becoming young again... ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

The con name is Comic Frontier. It's something akin of Comiket in Japan, and is a very popular event in my country. Last time I went there was ages ago... I think in 2015-2016...? So yeah, a long time ago. lol

OBVIOUSLY as it was a con for fanartists, so many of them sold merchandises. And by merchandises I mean high quality merchandises. Like... wow. I'm actually amazed by the art and the merch quality itself. If I had one million dollars I'd probably buy all of them. Alas I don't. I didn't buy much, but those that I bought are things that really piqued my interest. Here's a picture of them!

Adorable... and funny... I'm gonna cry at some of these merch...

I also bought some stickers for my laptop. It's not visible there but I have a picture of my laptop, now with stickers (it's always been empty, I kinda want to decorate it because my laptop is white and it gets dirty easily).

Those jamet stickers are so me.

All in all, going to a con kinda made me feel much younger. It's not that I'm old, but during the pandemic I wasn't able to go to any cons and then BOOM I'm busy with working and university (cries in going back and forth to baking goods store and my university). So I thought to spoil myself a little after finishing half of my classes, me and my buds should go to the con! We all went bankrupt afterwards LOL

Anyway... I still have tests tomorrow and the day after, a visit for my class, and a deadline for paper on Friday... whew. Guess I'll do my best to finish all of them! 

It's almost the end of the year... felt like time flies so fast! Let's do our best again next year!!


Well, that's it for now. Take care and see ya! c⌒っ╹v╹ )っ

p.s. I did say that this post's title is not a song's title. I kinda like having more freedom in giving titles for my own posts... oh well! (=ↀωↀ=)

I'm Not Okay (I Promise)

song of the day: I'm Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance
color of the day:  白藍 (shiraai); #d4ecee
flower of the day: california poppy | カリフォルニアポピー

Photo by Mickey Dziwulski on Unsplash

It's over! It's over...! It's finally over...! (πーπ)

My Japanese tests, that is. I still have some papers to do... in tears right now. But at the very least one of my biggest burden is gone gone! I hope I will pass this semester peacefully. I almost cried when I did my kanji test today, though. God... I hate kanji... but without kanji I'll be even more confused... Hence the title... it's joever...

It's surprising, really. I never imagined that times pass so... so quickly. I thought first semester was last month...? All of a sudden, I'm going to be in 6th semester...! ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ

And then on August next year, I'll be a senior in university! That's... that's really surprising. Is it just me, or does time flow so quickly as of late? Am I getting older, or just sentimental? lol

Anyways. As of this paragraph it's really hot outside... I put my AC on since an hour ago and it's still so hot. So many people are getting sick as well, so please take care! (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Well, that's all for now. See ya! (☞°ヮ°)☞ 


song of the day: Snowman (ReRec) by halyosy

color of the day: 深川鼠 (fukugawanezumi); #85a1a0

flower of the day: camellia sasanqua 'egao' | 山茶花 '笑顔'(春サザンカ品種群)

Photo by Lily Zhou on Unsplash 

Hello! How are you today? Today's a bit free for me since there was no morning class, and I only had one online class at noon. To be honest, the 'no morning class' is a bit ominous as today's class was skipped in preparation for the finals...

Last semester my grades really went down because of some things. It's unfortunate, but it can't be helped. At the very least, the issues I experienced last semester had been resolved!

Anyway, I just found out halyosy made a ReRec version of Snowman! It sounds amazing (as per usual), and RAHWIA's art is also... (っ˘ڡ˘ς) delicious. Anyway, what does 'ReRec' means? ReRecording? ReRecreation? Who knows... I'm pretty curious. I want to cover this song though! Perhaps after my cold is completely gone (my nose... is all stuffed now... in tears).

As of now I'm also preparing for internship. I hope I'll get one... I really want the one collaborating with the education ministry, but there are tons of competitions so I guess I'll also search elsewhere. But I really wish to get one of them, though!

Also, I just realized my first post's title was also the song of the day's title... should I make it a custom for this blog or not. To make a choice... is hard... orz

Anyways, that's all for now! See ya! ヾ(^ ∇ ^).


song of the day: MAD HEAD LOVE by Kenshi Yonezu 

color of the day: delicate blue; #c2dae8

flower of the day: daffodils | スイセン

Photo by Yoksel 🌿 Zok on Unsplash 

Hello! Welcome to my blog ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა

This will be a place where I'll update interesting things that happened in my life and life updates. I need a place to write freely, after all. 

Nice to meet you!